Chapter 5 vocab 10 word context

1. expedited - The company expedited the delivery of the package to ensure it arrived on time.

2. lucrative - The business deal turned out to be quite lucrative, resulting in significant profits for the company.

3. diligent - The student was diligent in studying for the exam, spending hours reviewing the material.

4. relinquish - The CEO decided to relinquish his position and retire after years of dedicated service.

5. imperative - It was imperative that the team completed the project on time to meet the deadline.

6. meticulous - The chef was meticulous in his cooking, paying attention to every detail to create the perfect dish.

7. feasible - After careful analysis, it was determined that the proposed project was feasible and could be successfully implemented.

8. arduous - Climbing Mount Everest is an arduous task that requires extensive training and physical endurance.

9. discern - It was difficult to discern the truth from the various conflicting accounts of the incident.

10. procure - The company had to procure additional supplies to meet the increased demand for their products.

To provide a step-by-step answer, I would need more information about the specific vocabulary words or the context in which they are used. Could you please provide the 10 vocabulary words and a sample sentence or paragraph where they are used?

To understand the context of 10 vocabulary words in Chapter 5, you would typically need to read the chapter or have access to the material in order to determine how the words are being used. However, if you provide me with the specific words you want the context for, I can assist in explaining how to find the context.

1. _______
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