In the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution, what is the meaning of the phrase “We the People”?

A. the people express their will by directly creating laws
B. government receives taxes from the people and exists to support them
C. government receives it's power from the people
D. the people express their will through political parties.

C. government receives its power from the people

In the Preamble to the US Constitution, what is the meaning of the phrase "and to our posterity"

A. they wanted to form a government where the people have power
B. they wanted to form a better government for the future generations
C. they wanted to form a better government to protect from tyranny of monarchies
D. they wanted to form a better government immediately

B. they wanted to form a better government for the future generations

Read the passage below:

"I see democracy as a conversation to be had... It provides us with a framework and rules, but all its machinery are designed to force us into a conversation."

Based on the passage, which statement about the amendment process would the author support?

A. the U.S. Constitution is difficult to amend.
B. the ratification process allows governors to reflect public views.
C. the U.S. Constitution is easy to amend
D. the ratification process allows the president to reflect public view

A. the U.S. Constitution is difficult to amend.

A soldier is being charged in a crime on a military based. Which type of law is being applied?

A. Constitutional
B. Military
C. Civil
D. Criminal

B. Military

Julie is being accused of breaking her contract with a company. The company decides to pursue legal means. What type of law would be applied in this case?

A. Civil
B. Constitutional
C. Criminal
D. Juvenile

A. Civil

What was the outcome of the Marbury v. Madison case?

A. Judicial branch has Judicial review powers
B. Senate now has to confirm presidential appointments
C. President is allowed freedom to make appointments
D. Legislature is now allowed to make laws