Which sentence uses active voice?(1 point)


It was decided that the students would organize a bake sale.
It was decided that the students would organize a bake sale.

It was the students who organized the bake sale.
It was the students who organized the bake sale.

The bake sale was organized by the students.
The bake sale was organized by the students.

The students organized the bake sale.

The students organized the bake sale.

The sentence "The students organized the bake sale." uses active voice.

The sentence that uses active voice is: "The students organized the bake sale."

To identify the active voice in a sentence, you need to look for a subject that is performing the action. In this case, "The students" is the subject and they are performing the action of organizing the bake sale. The sentence is directly stating who is doing the action, making it an example of active voice.