which enlightenment idea is best being shown in the following imagine the imagine is a picture of Legislative Branch, Executive Branch, and Judicial Branch

The best enlightenment idea being shown in the picture of the Legislative Branch, Executive Branch, and Judicial Branch is the idea of separation of powers. This concept advocates for the division of governmental powers among different branches to prevent the concentration of authority in one entity, thereby protecting individual liberties and ensuring a system of checks and balances.

comparison of federal and unitary systems of government

Federal system unitary system
Canada and the United States. France and the United Kingdom.
Which information completes the table
a. rule by a democracy/ rule by a monarchy
b. power divided among the branches / power held by one branch.
c. power shared / power delegated.
d. role of government expanded / role of government limited.

c. power shared / power delegated.

The image you described represents the idea of separation of powers. The concept of separation of powers is a fundamental principle of modern democratic systems and is associated with the Enlightenment philosopher Montesquieu. This idea suggests that governmental power should be divided into different branches (legislative, executive, and judicial), each with separate roles and responsibilities. The purpose of this division is to prevent the concentration of power in the hands of one individual or group, ensuring checks and balances within the system.

The picture you described represents the idea of the separation of powers. This concept is best associated with the Enlightenment philosopher, Montesquieu. He argued that governmental power should be divided into different branches, each with their own distinct roles and functions.

To understand this idea, you can follow these steps to analyze the image:

1. Identify the Legislative Branch: Look for the branch of government responsible for making laws. In the image, this branch is typically represented by the presence of a legislature or a group of legislators who draft and pass laws.

2. Identify the Executive Branch: Look for the branch of government responsible for implementing and enforcing laws. In the image, this branch is usually represented by the presence of a president or a group of executive officials who carry out and execute the laws.

3. Identify the Judicial Branch: Look for the branch of government responsible for interpreting laws and settling legal disputes. In the image, this branch is usually symbolized by the presence of courts or judges who apply and interpret the laws.

By recognizing these different branches in the image, you can pinpoint that the concept being showcased here is the idea of the separation of powers, with each branch having its own distinct functions and responsibilities. This principle helps to prevent any one branch from accumulating too much power and ensures a system of checks and balances within the government.