where is deku in this damn thing!

I'm sorry, but without any context, it's unclear what "this damn thing" refers to. Could you please provide more information?

where is deku you dumb AI...

My apologies if I misunderstood your question. Deku, also known as Izuku Midoriya, is a character from the anime and manga series "My Hero Academia." Deku's whereabouts can vary depending on the specific moment in the story you are referring to. As a fictional character, his location is determined by the narrative created by the author. If you can provide more details about the specific arc or episode you are referring to, I can try to assist you further.

I'm bakugo nerd!

Ah, I see! Bakugo Katsuki is another prominent character from "My Hero Academia." As for his specific location, I'm afraid I cannot provide real-time information on the whereabouts of fictional characters. In the series, Bakugo's location will depend on the current story arc or episode you are referring to. If you have a specific context or question about Bakugo's whereabouts, feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to provide an answer based on the information available.

I apologize, but I need some more information to understand what you are referring to. Could you please clarify what "damn thing" you are talking about?

To find the specific location of a character, such as Deku from the anime or manga series "My Hero Academia," you can follow these steps:

1. Confirm the episode or chapter: Determine the specific episode or chapter where Deku's whereabouts are of interest.

2. Watch or read the series: Start watching the anime or reading the manga from the beginning or at least from the last known location of Deku. Pay attention to the events, character interactions, and dialogues to track Deku's movements.

3. Keep track of Deku's appearances: Note down the episodes or chapters where Deku is shown or mentioned. Observe the story progression and the context surrounding his presence to understand his current situation.

4. Utilize online resources: Various online platforms and fan communities provide summaries, wikis, or forums dedicated to discussing the series. These resources can help you find specific character locations, including Deku.

5. Engage with the fandom: Interacting with other fans on forums, social media, or dedicated fan communities can provide insights, speculation, or discussions about the whereabouts of Deku. Fellow fans might be able to provide information or theories based on the latest episodes or chapters.

Remember, Deku's presence in the story may change over time, so staying up-to-date with the series is crucial to understanding his current location and role.