What was a feature of life prior to the development of farming? (1 point)

Permanent settlements
Pottery making
Hunting and gathering

Hunting and gathering.

Hunting and gathering is a feature of life prior to the development of farming.

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the options.

1. Permanent settlements: Before the development of farming, humans were primarily nomadic in nature, meaning they did not have permanent settlements. Instead, they would move from one place to another in search of food and resources. While settlements existed to some extent, they were not permanent and were frequently abandoned or relocated.

2. Pottery making: Pottery making is a skill that was indeed present even before the development of farming. It is a form of craft that can be traced back to prehistoric times. However, it is not the one specific feature associated with the pre-farming period.

3. Hunting and gathering: Hunting and gathering is widely recognized as the primary way of survival before the advent of agriculture. Early humans relied on hunting animals, fishing, and gathering edible plants, fruits, and seeds to sustain themselves. This lifestyle was predominant before the development of farming.

4. Writing: Writing is an advanced form of communication that requires a settled civilization with complex social structures and surplus resources. It emerged after the development of farming. Therefore, writing is not a feature of life prior to the development of farming.

Based on the analysis above, the correct answer is "Hunting and gathering" since it accurately describes a prevalent feature of life before the advent of farming.