A small amount of sodium hydroxide is added to water. When the chemical reaction reaches equilibrium, the pH is 12. Which statement and conclusion about sodium hydroxide is correct.

The statement "Sodium hydroxide is a strong base" is correct.

The conclusion that can be drawn is that sodium hydroxide dissociates completely in water to release hydroxide ions, leading to a high concentration of OH- ions and a high pH.

How many OH- Ions are there

In water, sodium hydroxide dissociates into sodium ions (Na+) and hydroxide ions (OH-). Since sodium hydroxide is a strong base, it completely dissociates in water.

Therefore, for every sodium hydroxide molecule that dissociates, one hydroxide ion (OH-) is released. So, the amount of hydroxide ions present in the water is equal to the amount of sodium hydroxide added.

Statement: Sodium hydroxide is a strong base.

Conclusion: When sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is added to water, it completely dissociates into sodium ions (Na+) and hydroxide ions (OH-). Since the equilibrium pH is 12, it indicates a highly alkaline solution, confirming that sodium hydroxide is indeed a strong base.

To determine the correct statement and conclusion about sodium hydroxide based on the given information, let's analyze the situation:

1. pH Value: pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a substance. A pH of 7 is considered neutral, values below 7 are acidic, and values above 7 are alkaline or basic. In this case, the pH is 12, which indicates a highly alkaline solution.

2. Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH): It is a strong base and a common alkali compound. When sodium hydroxide dissolves in water, it dissociates into sodium ions (Na+) and hydroxide ions (OH-).

Based on these facts, we can draw the following statement and conclusion:

Statement: Sodium hydroxide is a strong base that can increase the pH of water significantly when dissolved.

Conclusion: When a small amount of sodium hydroxide is added to water, it forms a highly alkaline solution with a pH of 12 due to the dissociation of the hydroxide ions (OH-) from the sodium hydroxide compound.