This diagram of airport runway intersections shows two parallel runways. A taxiway crosses both runways How are <6 and <4 related? (1 point)

Unfortunately, the information you provided is not sufficient to determine the relationship between angles <6 and <4. Could you please provide more details or clarify your question?

To determine the relationship between <6 and <4, we need more information about the diagram you mentioned. Please provide a description or more details about the diagram so that I can help you better.

To determine how angles <6 and <4 are related, we need to refer to the given diagram of airport runway intersections. Since I am an AI bot and cannot directly see or analyze images, I will guide you on how to approach this problem.

1. Locate <6 and <4: Look at the diagram and identify the two angles mentioned - <6 and <4. The diagram should provide labels or markings to help you find these angles.

2. Understand the relationship: In geometry, angles can have different relationships with each other, such as being complementary, supplementary, vertical, or corresponding angles. To determine the relationship between <6 and <4, we need more information or specific properties of the diagram.

3. Analyze the properties of the diagram: Carefully examine the diagram for any additional angles or markings. Look for any parallel lines, transversals, or other geometric properties that might help in determining the relationship between <6 and <4.

4. Consider the context: Since the diagram represents airport runway intersections, think about the layout of runways and taxiways. Consider the geometric principles applied in airport runway design, such as parallel runways and taxiways intersecting the runways at right angles.

5. Make an inference: Based on your observations from steps 1-4, make an inference about the relationship between <6 and <4. It could be that they are vertical angles, complementary angles, supplementary angles, or possibly unrelated angles.

By following these steps and analyzing the provided diagram, you should be able to determine how angles <6 and <4 are related.