Luis just started his position within a company and has his first assignment. the company is retooling and would like a new business plan. the company has team members choose an area and eleaborate on it to help out. Luis is most interested in why the company was formed. Which area should luis select to best complete his assignments


Luis should select the area of "Purpose" to best complete his assignment. Understanding why the company was formed is essential in developing a comprehensive business plan. By exploring the purpose behind the company's foundation, Luis can align the new business plan with the company's original mission, ensuring that all future goals and values are in line with this purpose.

To best complete his assignment and focus on why the company was formed, Luis should select the area of "Purpose." This area will provide valuable insights into the mission and reason behind the establishment of the company.

Based on Luis's interest in understanding why the company was formed, the area he should select to complete his assignment is "Purpose." The purpose of a company typically represents its reason for existence, its overarching mission, or the problem it aims to solve. By focusing on the purpose, Luis can gain a deeper understanding of the company's origins, its core values, and the impact it seeks to make in the market or industry. This will be valuable in contributing to the development of a new business plan, as it sets the foundation for all other aspects, including the company's vision, goals, and values.