liam take 114 steps.  what is the constant of proportionality that will determine the distance lian walked round the answer to the nearest tenth .

To determine the constant of proportionality in this scenario, we need to know the distance Liam walked but we are only given the number of steps he took. Since we don't have any information about Liam's stride length or the distance covered in each step, we cannot determine the constant of proportionality in this case.


I apologize for any confusion. Without additional information, it is not possible to determine the constant of proportionality for Liam's steps. The constant of proportionality depends on the relationship between the number of steps taken and the distance covered in each step, and without knowing the distance covered in each step, we cannot calculate it.

To determine the constant of proportionality, we need more information. Could you please provide the distance that Liam walked for 114 steps?

To find the constant of proportionality, we need to know the relationship between the number of steps taken and the distance walked. Let's assume that Liam's stride length remains constant. In this case, the constant of proportionality would be the distance covered in one step.

To determine the distance Liam walked, we need to know how long his stride is. If we know the length of Liam's stride, we can multiply it by the number of steps he took to find the distance he covered.

Let's say Liam's stride length is s. The distance he walked (d) can be calculated using the formula:

d = s * number of steps

In this case, the number of steps Liam took is 114. We'll need to divide 1 mile by 5280 feet, as there are 5280 feet in a mile, to convert the result to miles.

Assuming Liam's stride length is 2.5 feet per step, we can calculate the distance he walked as follows:

d = (2.5 feet/step) * 114 steps
d = 285 feet

To convert this to miles, we divide 285 feet by 5280 feet/mile:

d = 0.054 miles

Therefore, the constant of proportionality that determines the distance Liam walked is approximately 0.054 miles per step (rounded to the nearest tenth).