3Which of the following options best describes why regions and their geography determined how Native Americans modified their environment? (1 point)

Native Americans living in the Southwest relied on heavy rain for irrigating their crops.

Native Americans living in the Pacific Northwest had access to the ocean and relied on it for fishing. O Native Americans living in the Arctic regions relied on farming for food.

Native Americans living in the plains were surrounded by water and relied on fishing

The option "Native Americans living in the Pacific Northwest had access to the ocean and relied on it for fishing" best describes why regions and their geography determined how Native Americans modified their environment.

The option that best describes why regions and their geography determined how Native Americans modified their environment is:

- Native Americans living in the Southwest relied on heavy rain for irrigating their crops.

The best option that describes why regions and their geography determined how Native Americans modified their environment is:

"Native Americans living in the Pacific Northwest had access to the ocean and relied on it for fishing."

To arrive at this answer, we need to consider the geographical features and resources available in each region. Native Americans living in the Southwest relied on heavy rain for irrigating their crops, which suggests that they needed a consistent source of water for agriculture. However, this option does not specify the reason for modifying the environment.

Similarly, Native Americans living in the Arctic regions relied on farming for food, but this is not supported by the given information. Furthermore, the Arctic regions are known for their cold climate and limited resources for farming.

The option stating that Native Americans living in the plains were surrounded by water and relied on fishing is incorrect. The plains are characterized by vast grasslands, and water sources like rivers and lakes might be present, but they are not surrounded by water.

Therefore, the option that describes the most logical connection between the region and the modification of the environment is that Native Americans living in the Pacific Northwest had access to the ocean and relied on it for fishing. The ocean would provide a rich source of food, influencing their environmental adaptations.