But be aware that your first paycheck might not fill up your wallet or bank account as much as you think it will. Let's say you're working in the United States. Your new job pays $10 dollars an hour. Don't think you'll be walking away with $200 for 20 hours of work. Before you can start planning your next financial moves, you'll have to account for withholdings-the part of your paycheck that's taken out for taxes and other items.

Based on information in the paragraph, why might a person's first paycheck be less than they expected?

AThe person might not be earning as much per hour as they hoped.

BThe person might not have thought about withholdings.

C The person might not be aware of how many hours they worked.

DThe person might not have considered their banking fees.

BThe person might not have thought about withholdings.

7. The Gross Earnings section shows the total amount Kelly earned, known as gross pay. Kelly is paid $17 an hour, and since she worked 120 hours, her pay is $2,040. There's also a line for overtime pay. Most hourly workers are paid 1.5 times their hourly rate- known as "time and a half"-for overtime work. U.S. workers receive overtime pay if they work more than 8 hours in a day or more than 40 hours in a week-so Kelly would get a nice bump to $25.50 per hour for working overtime.

8. The next line is the current pay, which adds overtime to the regular pay (though in this case there was no overtime). The sum of regular pay and overtime is Kelly's gross pay. Most pay stubs will also include the amount an employee has earned so far for the entire year. Kelly's year-to-date (YTD) gross pay total is $20,033.55.

Select the sentence from paragraphs 7-8 that BEST describes what is considered overtime work in the United States.

The Gross Earnings section shows the total amount Kelly earned, known as gross pay. Kelly is paid $17 an hour, and since she worked 120 hours, her pay is $2,040. There's also a line for overtime pay. Most hourly workers are paid 1.5 times their hourly rate-known as "time and a half"-for overtime work. U.S. workers receive overtime pay if they work more than 8 hours in a day or more than 40 hours in a week-so Kelly would get a nice bump to $25.50 per hour for working overtime.

The next line is the current pay, which adds overtime to the regular pay (though in this case there was no overtime). The sum of regular pay and overtime is Kelly's gross pay. Most pay stubs will also include the amount an employee has earned so far for the entire year. Kelly's year-to-date (YTD) gross pay total is $20,033.55.

U.S. workers receive overtime pay if they work more than 8 hours in a day or more than 40 hours in a week

The correct answer is B. The person might not have thought about withholdings. This is because the paragraph specifically mentions that the paycheck might be less than expected due to withholdings, which are deductions taken out of the paycheck for taxes and other items. The other options mentioned in the answer choices are not directly mentioned in the paragraph.

The correct answer is B: The person might not have thought about withholdings.

The paragraph explains that before a person can start planning their next financial moves, they need to account for withholdings - the part of their paycheck that's taken out for taxes and other items. This suggests that a person's first paycheck might be less than they expected because they may not have considered or anticipated the amount of money that would be withheld for taxes and other deductions.