What does the term "meandered" specifically refer to in this sentence? "As he nestled deeper among the pine trees, he observed the bear as it moved slowly and calmly in a meandering manner toward the lake." (1 point) Responses wandered wandered twisted twisted zigzagged zigzagged hurried

The term "meandered" specifically refers to the bear moving slowly and calmly in a wandering or wandering manner toward the lake.

In the given sentence, the term "meandered" specifically refers to the movement of the bear as it moved slowly and calmly in a wandering or twisting manner towards the lake.

In the sentence provided, the term "meandered" specifically refers to the way the bear is moving towards the lake. To determine the meaning, we can analyze the context and the surrounding words. The sentence describes the bear moving "slowly and calmly" in a "meandering manner." This suggests that the bear is moving in a leisurely, wandering, and indirect way. Therefore, the correct response is "wandered."