Which statement best describes nations?

(1 point)

Nations must follow the laws set by the United Nations.

O Nations have less political power than do regional organizations.

Nations interact almost exclusively with other nations in their region. Nations have political power over a defined geographic territory.

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Nations have political power over a defined geographic territory.

The statement that best describes nations is "Nations have political power over a defined geographic territory."

The statement that best describes nations is: "Nations have political power over a defined geographic territory."

To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate the other options by understanding their inaccuracies:

- The first statement, "Nations must follow the laws set by the United Nations," is not true. While nations are encouraged to adhere to the laws and resolutions of the United Nations, they ultimately retain their sovereignty and have the ability to make their own laws.

- The second statement, "Nations have less political power than do regional organizations," is also incorrect. Regional organizations are typically composed of member nations, and their power is derived from the collective influence of these nations. However, individual nations still maintain their own political power within the framework of these organizations.

- The third statement, "Nations interact almost exclusively with other nations in their region," is an oversimplification. While it is true that nations often interact with others in their region due to geographic proximity and shared interests, they also engage in global diplomacy and establish relations with nations from different regions.

Therefore, the statement that nations have political power over a defined geographic territory is the most accurate description. It reflects the idea that nations exercise authority and govern a specific territory within recognized boundaries.