x = 8

A Transitive Property
B Multiplication Property
C Addition Property
D Simplify
E Angle Addition Postulate
F Substitution
GSubtraction Property
H Divison Property
I Segment Addition Postulate

A Transitive Property: x = y, y = z, then x = z

B Multiplication Property: If x = y, then ax = ay
C Addition Property: If x = y, then x + a = y + a
D Simplify: simplify the expression or equation
E Angle Addition Postulate: If point D is in the interior of angle ABC, then angle ABD + angle DBC = angle ABC
F Substitution: replacing a variable with a specific value or expression
G Subtraction Property: If x = y, then x - a = y - a
H Division Property: If x = y, then x/a = y/a
I Segment Addition Postulate: If B is between A and C, then AB + BC = AC

To determine the step-by-step process for solving an equation or problem using the given properties and postulates, I would need more context or information about the specific equation or problem. Please provide further details or a specific equation so I can guide you through the correct steps.

To determine which property or postulate is being used in an equation, you need to analyze the equation and identify the mathematical operations being performed. Let's take a look at the equation x = 8.

In this equation, the variable x is being equated to the value 8. It appears that there is no mathematical operation being performed. Therefore, the correct option is not related to a mathematical property or postulate. Instead, it is just a statement of equality or assignment.

Based on the given options, none of them apply to this equation because they involve mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. It is important to understand that not every equation will involve these properties or postulates.

In summary, for the equation x = 8, none of the given options (A Transitive Property, B Multiplication Property, C Addition Property, D Simplify, E Angle Addition Postulate, F Substitution, G Subtraction Property, H Division Property, I Segment Addition Postulate) apply.