Paloma evaluated the expression 1 3/4−5/8. What is a way she can check her work? The answer minus 1 3/4 should equal 5/8.The answer minus 5/8 should equal 1 3/4.The answer plus 5/8 should equal 1 3/4.The answer plus 1 3/4 should equal 5/8.

The correct way to check Paloma's work is: The answer plus 5/8 should equal 1 3/4.

To check her work, Paloma can subtract 5/8 from the answer to see if it equals 1 3/4.

To check her work, Paloma can evaluate the expressions that are mentioned.

First, let's calculate the answer minus 1 3/4. To do this, we'll subtract 1 3/4 from the answer Paloma obtained for the expression 1 3/4 - 5/8. If the result is equal to 5/8, then her work is correct.

Second, we'll calculate the answer minus 5/8. We'll subtract 5/8 from the answer Paloma obtained for the expression 1 3/4 - 5/8. If this result equals 1 3/4, then her work is correct.

Third, let's calculate the answer plus 5/8. By adding 5/8 to the answer Paloma obtained for the expression 1 3/4 - 5/8, we can check if the result is equal to 1 3/4. If it is, then her work is correct.

Lastly, we'll calculate the answer plus 1 3/4. We'll add 1 3/4 to the answer Paloma obtained for the expression 1 3/4 - 5/8. If this result equals 5/8, then her work is correct.

By evaluating all these expressions, Paloma can check her work and verify if her answer is correct.