Meiosis is cell division that creates gametes in sexually reproducing organisms. Chromosomes are randomly assorted and are distributed independently into four gametes. Which of the following BEST describes the genetic material in the four gametes?

Each gamete created during meiosis has a unique genetic makeup
The genetic material in each gamete is exactly the same
Gametes contain double the amount of chromosomes as the parent cell
The chromosome number of the gametes is equal to that of the parent cell

Each gamete created during meiosis has a unique genetic makeup.

Each gamete created during meiosis has a unique genetic makeup

The correct answer is: Each gamete created during meiosis has a unique genetic makeup.

During meiosis, the chromosomes in the parent cell are randomly assorted and separated into four gametes. This process is known as genetic recombination or crossing over. It allows for new combinations of genetic material to be created, resulting in gametes that have a unique combination of genes.

To determine the correct answer, you can use your knowledge of meiosis and the process of genetic recombination. By understanding that chromosomes are randomly assorted and distributed into gametes during meiosis, you can conclude that each gamete will have a unique genetic makeup.