Which of the options below belong in a body paragraph? (Check all that apply)(4 points)


topic sentence/claim

a hook or attention-getter

concrete details/text evidence

a final statement leaving the reader for further reflection


concluding sentence

thesis statement

concrete details/text evidence


is that it

No, sorry for the confusion. Here are the correct options that belong in a body paragraph:

- Concrete details/text evidence
- Commentary/analysis

In a body paragraph, the following options belong:

- Topic sentence/claim: This sentence introduces the main point or argument of the paragraph.
- Concrete details/text evidence: These provide specific examples or evidence to support and explain the topic sentence.
- Commentary/analysis: This is an explanation or interpretation of the concrete details, showing how they support the topic sentence and contribute to the overall argument.
- Concluding sentence: This sentence wraps up the main ideas of the paragraph and may lead into the next paragraph.

The options that do not belong in a body paragraph are:

- A hook or attention-getter: This is typically used in the introduction to grab the reader's attention.
- A final statement leaving the reader for further reflection: This is more fitting for a conclusion paragraph.
- Thesis statement: This is usually found in the introduction paragraph, where it presents the main argument or purpose of the essay.

In a body paragraph, the following options belong:

- Topic sentence/claim: This is the main point or argument of the paragraph, and it should clearly express what the paragraph will discuss.
- Concrete details/text evidence: These are specific facts, examples, or quotations that support the topic sentence/claim. They provide evidence to back up the main idea.
- Commentary/analysis: This is the writer's interpretation or explanation of the concrete details/text evidence. It helps to connect the evidence to the main idea and provides further analysis or insight.
- Concluding sentence: This sentence wraps up the paragraph by summarizing the main points or transitioning to the next paragraph.

Options that do not typically belong in a body paragraph are:

- Hook or attention-getter: This is usually found in the introduction to grab the reader's attention, not within body paragraphs.
- Final statement leaving the reader for further reflection: This is typically found in the conclusion, not within body paragraphs.
- Thesis statement: The thesis statement is generally located in the introduction and sets the overall purpose and direction of the essay, not within body paragraphs.