What is a thesis statement?(1 point)


statement somebody says

story about your own personal experiences

statement summarizing the position on the topic of your paper

A thesis statement is a statement summarizing the position on the topic of your paper.

A thesis statement is a statement summarizing the position on the topic of your paper.

A thesis statement is a statement that summarizes the main point or argument of an essay or research paper. It expresses the writer's position or opinion on a particular topic and provides a concise overview of the central idea that will be discussed in the paper.

To create a thesis statement, you need to follow these steps:

1. Understand the topic: Read the prompt or question carefully to fully grasp the topic and its requirements.

2. Do background research: Gather relevant information about the topic by reading books, articles, or conducting online research. This will help you develop an understanding of the different perspectives or arguments related to the topic.

3. Formulate your position: Based on your research and understanding, determine your stance on the topic. Think about the main point or argument you want to make in your essay.

4. Make it specific: A good thesis statement is clear, specific, and focused. Identify the key points you want to address in your paper and make sure your thesis statement reflects them.

5. Make it arguable: A strong thesis statement presents an argument or a position that can be debated. Avoid stating obvious facts or general statements that do not provoke discussion.

6. Keep it concise: Your thesis statement should be a single sentence or a couple of sentences at most. It should convey the main idea of your paper without going into too much detail.

7. Revise and refine: Once you have drafted your thesis statement, review it and make sure it accurately reflects your main argument. Revise and refine it as necessary to ensure clarity and coherence.

Remember, the thesis statement sets the tone and direction for your entire paper, so it's essential to spend time crafting a strong and effective one.