When should you read and deconstruct a writing prompt?(1 point)


Read and deconstruct the prompt BEFORE reading the passage

Read and deconstruct the prompt AFTER reading the passage

Read and deconstruct the prompt BEFORE reading the passage

The correct answer is: Read and deconstruct the prompt BEFORE reading the passage.

The correct answer is to read and deconstruct the prompt BEFORE reading the passage.

To understand why, let's break it down:

1. Reading the prompt: Start by carefully reading the writing prompt. Pay attention to any keywords or instructions that indicate what you are being asked to do. This will help you understand the purpose and focus of your reading.

2. Deconstructing the prompt: Once you have read the prompt, deconstruct it by analyzing its components. Identify the main topic or theme, any specific questions or tasks to address, and the desired outcome or objective. Consider these elements to gain a clear understanding of what is expected from you.

By reading and deconstructing the prompt before reading the passage, you will have a roadmap or framework in mind while you read. This will help you focus on the relevant information, analyze it effectively, and organize your thoughts while answering the prompt. It also ensures that you don't miss any important details or misunderstand the purpose of the passage. Therefore, reading and deconstructing the prompt before reading the passage is crucial to approaching writing tasks accurately and effectively.