It is recommended that hikers drink 24 oz of water an hour if a canteen has 24 0z of water how much should the amount of water in the canteen change every 10 minutes

If hikers are recommended to drink 24 oz of water per hour, this means they should be drinking 24 oz/ 60 minutes = 0.4 oz/minute.

If we want to determine how much the amount of water in the canteen should change every 10 minutes, we need to calculate 0.4 oz/minute * 10 minutes = 4 oz.

Therefore, the amount of water in the canteen should decrease by 4 oz every 10 minutes.

To calculate how much the amount of water in the canteen should change every 10 minutes, we need to determine the amount of water hikers should drink during that time period.

Given that hikers should drink 24 oz of water per hour, we can divide this by 60 minutes to determine the amount of water they should consume per minute. So, 24 oz / 60 min = 0.4 oz/min.

Since 10 minutes have passed, we can multiply the amount of water hikers should drink per minute (0.4 oz/min) by the duration of time in minutes (10 min) to find the change in the amount of water in the canteen. Therefore, 0.4 oz/min * 10 min = 4 oz.

Therefore, the amount of water in the canteen should change by 4 oz every 10 minutes.

To determine how much the amount of water in the canteen should change every 10 minutes, we need to consider the recommended rate of drinking water per hour.

The recommended rate is 24 oz of water per hour. This means that if we divide the total amount of water by the total time, we can determine the amount of water that should be consumed in 10 minutes.

First, let's convert the recommended rate to minutes. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, the recommended rate would be (24 oz / 60 minutes) = 0.4 oz of water per minute.

Therefore, if a hiker should drink 0.4 oz of water per minute, the amount of water in the canteen should decrease by 0.4 oz every 10 minutes.

In conclusion, the amount of water in the canteen should change by 0.4 oz every 10 minutes to keep up with the recommended rate of drinking water.