A student is riding the school bus. The bus stops as the driver applies the brakes. Which of these statements best describes this situation?(1 point)

The student is experiencing deceleration.

The statement "The bus stops as the driver applies the brakes" describes the situation accurately.

To find the best statement that describes the situation where a student is riding the school bus and the bus stops as the driver applies the brakes, we need to consider the given information.

First, let's understand what happens when the bus stops as the driver applies the brakes. When the bus is in motion and the driver applies the brakes, the bus gradually slows down and eventually comes to a complete stop. This is a common occurrence during bus rides, especially when picking up or dropping off students.

Now, let's evaluate the options:

1) The student feels a sudden jolt as the bus stops.
2) The student enjoys a smooth ride as the bus stops.
3) The student is startled by a loud noise as the bus stops.
4) The student continues riding without any change as the bus stops.

Based on the information provided, option 1 "The student feels a sudden jolt as the bus stops" seems to be the best statement that describes this situation. When the brakes are applied, there is typically a slight jolt or deceleration felt by the occupants of the bus as it comes to a stop.