What button was used to format the text below?

Kings Midas
A. Bold button
B. Italics button
C. Underline button
D. Font Color button

There is not enough information provided to determine which button was used to format the text below.

To determine which button was used to format the text below, you would need to see the formatted text itself. Without that, it is difficult to pinpoint the exact button used. However, based on the options provided, the most likely button used to format the text would be the B. Italics button.

To determine which button was used to format the given text, you can look for visual cues within the text itself. Here's how you can figure it out:

1. Look for bold formatting: Check if the text "Kings Midas" appears in a bold format. If it does, then the Bold button (option A) was used.

2. Look for italic formatting: Check if the text "Kings Midas" appears in an italicized format. If it does, then the Italics button (option B) was used.

3. Look for underline formatting: Check if the text "Kings Midas" appears with an underline. If it does, then the Underline button (option C) was used.

4. Look for color formatting: Check if the text "Kings Midas" appears in a different color than the surrounding text. If it does, then the Font Color button (option D) was used.

By observing these visual cues, you can determine which button was used to format the text.