4. Which of the following statements about early American and Colonial literature is NOT true? (1 point)

Different authors share similar purposes and genres.

It's important to read from different voices to understand this era.

It consists mainly of nonfiction writings and poetry

The voices of women and minorities are absent from this period.

The statement "The voices of women and minorities are absent from this period" is NOT true. Early American and Colonial literature includes the writings of women and minority authors, albeit to a lesser extent compared to white male authors.

The statement "The voices of women and minorities are absent from this period" is NOT true.

To determine which statement about early American and Colonial literature is NOT true, we need to evaluate each statement individually.

Statement 1: "Different authors share similar purposes and genres."
To evaluate this statement, we need to have an understanding of early American and Colonial literature. One way to acquire this information is by reading relevant literature textbooks or consulting reputable online sources that provide a comprehensive overview of early American and Colonial literature. By reviewing such sources, we can determine whether different authors in this period do or do not share similar purposes and genres.

Statement 2: "It's important to read from different voices to understand this era."
To determine the truth of this statement, we can analyze the sources that discuss early American and Colonial literature. These sources may highlight the importance of reading literature from different voices, such as women and minorities, to gain a comprehensive understanding of the era. By reading these sources, we can confirm whether it is indeed important to explore different voices or not.

Statement 3: "It consists mainly of nonfiction writings and poetry."
To assess the accuracy of this statement, we need to consult the primary sources of early American and Colonial literature, such as works by authors like John Smith, Anne Bradstreet, and Jonathan Edwards. By analyzing their writings, we can determine whether the literature of this period is predominantly composed of nonfiction writings and poetry or if it encompasses other genres as well.

Statement 4: "The voices of women and minorities are absent from this period."
To evaluate this statement, we can refer to the same primary sources and secondary literature mentioned earlier. By closely examining the works produced during the early American and Colonial period, we can ascertain if the voices of women and minorities are underrepresented or absent from the available literature.

By conducting research through reliable sources and reviewing the relevant literary works, you can determine which statement about early American and Colonial literature is NOT true.