Translate the following into

Spanish: "Where is the door?"
(1 point)

"¿Dónde está la puerta?"

Translate the following into

Spanish: "The chair is next to the desk."
(1 point)

"La silla está al lado del escritorio."

Translate the following into Spanish: "The mouse is behind the keyboard."

(1 point)

"El ratón está detrás del teclado."

What does "La bandera está en la pantalla" mean in English?

(1 point)

"In English, "La bandera está en la pantalla" means "The flag is on the screen."

Translate the following into Spanish: "The student is in front of the window."

(1 point)

"El estudiante está delante de la ventana."

What does "Mi sacapuntas está en mi mochila" mean in English?

(1 point)