Plastic is an example of a(n) ________________________________________________________________.(1 point) Responses high viscosity liquid high viscosity liquid crystalline solid crystalline solid amorphous solid amorphous solid fluid

amorphous solid

Plastic is an example of an amorphous solid.

Plastic is an example of an amorphous solid.

To understand why plastic is an amorphous solid, we first need to know what an amorphous solid is. An amorphous solid is a type of solid that lacks a crystalline structure, meaning its molecules are arranged in a random and disordered manner.

Now, to determine if plastic falls under this category, we can analyze its properties. If you have access to a sample of plastic, you can examine its structure. Most plastics are transparent or translucent, meaning you can see through them. They also tend to be malleable and can be easily molded into various shapes when heated. These characteristics suggest that plastic is not a crystalline solid with a highly organized structure. Instead, it is an amorphous solid, lacking a specific long-range arrangement of its atoms or molecules.

Therefore, the correct option is "amorphous solid," and plastic serves as an example of this type of material.