Choose the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

23. María y Jorge siempre _____ (pasar) tiempo con amigos los veranos.


The correct form of the verb in parentheses is "pasan."

To choose the correct form of the verb in parentheses, we need to determine the subject of the sentence "María y Jorge siempre ____ tiempo con amigos los veranos."

Since the subject is "María y Jorge," which is a plural subject (more than one person), we need to use the third-person plural form of the verb.

The options provided are:
- pasa (third-person singular form)
- pasáis (second-person plural form)
- pasan (third-person plural form)
- pasamos (first-person plural form)

Since María y Jorge is a plural subject, the correct form of the verb is "pasan."

Therefore, the correct answer is: María y Jorge siempre pasan tiempo con amigos los veranos.