how many blocks do you shade in a 10 by 10 grid to represent 4/5

To represent 4/5 in a 10 by 10 grid, you would shade 8 blocks.

To shade in a 10 by 10 grid to represent 4/5, you would shade in 8 out of 10 blocks in each row. Here's how you can calculate it step-by-step:

Step 1: Calculate the number of shaded blocks in one row.
To find 4/5 of a row, you multiply the number of blocks in the row (which is 10) by the fraction 4/5:
10 blocks × 4/5 = 40/5 = 8 blocks

Step 2: Shade in the calculated number of blocks in every row.
Repeat Step 1 for each row in the grid and shade in 8 out of 10 blocks in each row.

To shade in a specific fraction of a grid, you need to understand how to divide it into equal parts. In this case, you have a 10 by 10 grid, which means it has 100 blocks in total.

To represent a fraction, you need to divide the total number of blocks by the denominator of the fraction, which in this case is 5. So, you divide 100 by 5, giving you 20.

Since the fraction in question is 4/5, you need to shade in 4 parts out of the 5 equal parts you divided the grid into.

Now, to calculate how many blocks you need to shade, you take the result you got from dividing the total number of blocks by 5, which is 20, and multiply it by 4.

20 x 4 = 80

Therefore, you need to shade in 80 blocks in the 10 by 10 grid to represent 4/5.