which of these phrases defines nativism?

a) discrimination against native americans
b) the idea that a person born in the us is superior to an immigrant

b) the idea that a person born in the US is superior to an immigrant

The correct phrase that defines nativism is option b) the idea that a person born in the US is superior to an immigrant.

The correct answer is "b) the idea that a person born in the US is superior to an immigrant." Nativism refers to a political ideology or policy that promotes the interests and rights of the native-born or established inhabitants of a country over those of immigrants. It is rooted in the belief that those who are native to a country are more deserving of certain privileges and opportunities compared to immigrants.

To arrive at this answer, you can analyze the options provided and match them with the definition of nativism. In this case, option b directly aligns with the idea that native-born individuals hold superiority over immigrants, which is the defining characteristic of nativism. On the other hand, option a refers specifically to discrimination against Native Americans, which is not a comprehensive definition of nativism.