Coal contains chemical energy and is an important energy resource for generating electricity.

Which statement ,begin emphasis,best,end emphasis, describes where the chemical energy in coal comes from?

Answer options with 4 options
Natural gas in Earth's crust is converted into chemical energy.

Energy from the Sun is changed into chemical energy by plants.

Soil creates heat energy in rock that is converted into chemical energy.

Petroleum is absorbed by porous rock layers and converted into chemical energy.

B. Energy from the Sun is changed into chemical energy by plants.

Which is the ,begin emphasis,smallest,end emphasis,?

Answer options with 4 options



red blood cell

A. virus

B. Energy from the Sun is changed into chemical energy by plants.

To determine the correct option that describes where the chemical energy in coal comes from, let's analyze each option:

A. Natural gas in Earth's crust is converted into chemical energy.
This option is incorrect because natural gas is a different fossil fuel source, and it does not directly contribute to the chemical energy found in coal.

B. Energy from the Sun is changed into chemical energy by plants.
This option is correct. Coal is formed from the remains of plants that lived millions of years ago. These plants captured sunlight through photosynthesis, converting solar energy into chemical energy in the form of carbon compounds. Over time, the remains were subjected to heat and pressure, transforming them into coal.

C. Soil creates heat energy in rock that is converted into chemical energy.
This option is incorrect. While heat and pressure play a role in the formation of coal, it is not soil that creates heat energy. Instead, the heat and pressure come from geological processes over millions of years.

D. Petroleum is absorbed by porous rock layers and converted into chemical energy.
This option is incorrect because petroleum is a different type of fossil fuel and does not directly contribute to the chemical energy found in coal.

Therefore, the correct option is:

B. Energy from the Sun is changed into chemical energy by plants.