Which sentence explains what visuals in an informational text do

Visuals in an informational text help to illustrate or clarify the information being presented.

Visuals in an informational text are used to enhance understanding and provide additional context or information. They often include images, charts, graphs, diagrams, maps, or illustrations. These visuals are strategically placed within the text to help readers grasp complex concepts, visualize data, or make connections between different ideas. By incorporating visuals, authors can present information in a more engaging and accessible way, making it easier for readers to comprehend and retain the content.

The sentence that explains what visuals in an informational text do is:

"Visuals in an informational text help to illustrate and enhance the written content by providing a visual representation of data, concepts, or processes."

To find this answer, you could do the following steps:

1. Read the given text thoroughly to identify any information related to visuals.
2. Look for keywords such as "visuals," "illustrate," "enhance," or "data."
3. Analyze the surrounding sentences or paragraphs to understand the purpose and function of visuals in the informational text.
4. Combine the information gathered from the text to formulate a concise and accurate explanation of what visuals do in an informational text.