Baskets of tomatoes cost $3 each and bags of onions cost $4 each. A customer purchases

baskets of tomatoes and
bags of onions.

What does the expression

The expression 3x + 4y represents the total cost of the customer's purchase, taking into account the number of baskets of tomatoes and bags of onions they bought.

The expression 3x + 4y represents the total cost of the purchase made by the customer. The term 3x represents the cost of x baskets of tomatoes at $3 each, and the term 4y represents the cost of y bags of onions at $4 each. By adding these two terms, we get the total cost of the purchase.

The expression 3x + 4y represents the total cost of the customer's purchase.

To understand how this expression is calculated, let's break it down:
- The coefficient 3 represents the cost of each basket of tomatoes, so 3x represents the total cost of x baskets of tomatoes.
- Similarly, the coefficient 4 represents the cost of each bag of onions, so 4y represents the total cost of y bags of onions.

When we add these two expressions together (3x + 4y), we are summing up the cost of the baskets of tomatoes and the bags of onions, giving us the total cost of the customer's purchase.