Which Supreme Court case held that the first amendment rights of three speech applied to the states as well as the national government was it get low versus New York Ingle versus Vitale Murray versus New York or Ingle versus Colette

The Supreme Court case that held that the First Amendment rights of free speech applied to the states as well as the national government was the case of Gitlow v. New York.

The Supreme Court case that held that the First Amendment rights of free speech applied to the states as well as the national government was the case of "Gitlow v. New York."

The Supreme Court case that held that the First Amendment rights of free speech applied to the states as well as the national government is called "Incorporation Doctrine." It was established through a series of cases, and one of the landmark cases that applied this doctrine to free speech is "Gitlow v. New York."

To find the answer to your question, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by narrowing down the options provided. We can eliminate "Engel v. Vitale" and "Murray v. New York" as they are not relevant to the incorporation of the First Amendment's free speech rights.

2. Focus on "Gitlow v. New York" and "Ingle v. Colette." Both of these cases involve free speech rights, so we need to determine which one specifically addressed the incorporation of these rights.

3. Conduct research on both cases, paying attention to the details and outcomes. You can do this by searching for "Gitlow v. New York" and "Ingle v. Colette."

After conducting the research, you will find that the case "Gitlow v. New York" is the one that held that the First Amendment rights of free speech applied to the states as well as the national government.