The Lighthouse at Honfleur

by Georges Seurat

Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington

To create this lighthouse scene, the artist
(1 point)

used organic shapes to create the boat.
used organic shapes to create the boat.

used geometric shapes to create the lighthouse and the buildings.
used geometric shapes to create the lighthouse and the buildings.

could not reference recognizable shapes to create this image.
could not reference recognizable shapes to create this image.

used cubism to create the entire scene.

used geometric shapes to create the lighthouse and the buildings.

The shapes of the stones

(1 point)

used negative space to create the illusion of texture.
used negative space to create the illusion of texture.

were arranged to create a radial balance design.
were arranged to create a radial balance design.

were arranged to create a sense of asymmetrical balance.
were arranged to create a sense of asymmetrical balance.

created a sense of perspective because of the contrasting colors in all stones.
created a sense of perspective because of the contrasting colors in all stones.

created a sense of perspective because of the contrasting colors in all stones.

The Old Violin

by William Michael Harnett

Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington

Emphasis was created by
(1 point)

using similar colors throughout.
using similar colors throughout.

creating a white square behind the violin.
creating a white square behind the violin.

using only organic shapes in the painting.
using only organic shapes in the painting.

creating a radial design with lines coming from the violin.

creating a white square behind the violin.

Georges Seurat, the artist, used geometric shapes to create the lighthouse and the buildings in the painting "The Lighthouse at Honfleur."

To determine which answer is correct, we can analyze the artwork and the style of the artist.

Georges Seurat was a Post-Impressionist painter known for his technique called Pointillism. Pointillism involves applying small dots or strokes of pure color next to each other so that the viewer's eye blends them together. This creates a luminous effect and a sense of depth.

Looking at "The Lighthouse at Honfleur," we can see that Seurat used small dots and strokes to create the overall image. However, it is important to note that the question specifically asks about the use of shapes in the artwork.

In this painting, Seurat used a combination of organic and geometric shapes. The boat, for example, appears to have organic shapes, reflecting the curvy, flowing nature of the water and the waves. On the other hand, the lighthouse and the buildings exhibit more geometric shapes, with straight lines and angles.

Therefore, the correct answer is:
- Seurat used organic shapes to create the boat, and
- Seurat used geometric shapes to create the lighthouse and the buildings.