A soldier is being charged in a crime on a military based which type of law is being applied. Is it constitutional military, civil or criminal?

If a soldier is being charged with a crime on a military base, the type of law that is being applied is typically military law, also known as military justice. Military law is a separate legal system that governs military personnel. It encompasses both criminal and administrative laws and regulations tailored specifically for the armed forces. This is distinct from the constitutional, civil, or criminal law that is applicable to civilians in regular society.

In this case, the type of law being applied would be the military law, specifically the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). The UCMJ governs the conduct of members of the United States military and covers a range of offenses, including criminal conduct, that can occur on a military base. While there may be elements of civil or criminal law involved, the primary jurisdiction for prosecuting crimes committed by military personnel on a military base would be under the military law system.

In order to determine which type of law is being applied in the case of a soldier being charged with a crime on a military base, let's break down the options:

1. Constitutional Law: This refers to the body of law that outlines the structure and powers of the government, as well as the rights and liberties of individuals. While constitutional principles can influence military law, it primarily pertains to the civilian government.

2. Civil Law: Civil law primarily deals with disputes between private individuals or organizations, rather than crimes. It usually concerns issues of contracts, property, and compensation. Civil law is not typically applicable in criminal cases, which involve wrongdoings against society as a whole.

3. Criminal Law: Criminal law governs offenses against society as a whole, including crimes such as theft, assault, murder, and so on. Soldiers charged with crimes on a military base would generally be subject to military criminal law, rather than civilian criminal law.

Given the scenario, it is likely that the type of law being applied in this case is military criminal law. This type of law specifically applies to members of the military who commit offenses within the context of their service.

Please note that the specific legal framework may vary depending on the country and the military branch in question. It is always best to consult the relevant laws and regulations to get accurate information about a particular jurisdiction.