Just before the ball hits the ground, how are its speed and kinetic energy related?(1 point)


Speed is at its highest value, while kinetic energy is at its lowest value.

Both speed and kinetic energy are at their lowest values.

Both speed and kinetic energy are at their greatest values.

Speed is at its lowest value, which kinetic energy is at its highest value.

Both speed and kinetic energy are at their greatest values.

Speed is at its highest value, while kinetic energy is at its highest value as well.

Just before the ball hits the ground, both its speed and kinetic energy are at their greatest values. This is because kinetic energy is directly proportional to the square of an object's speed. As the ball falls, its speed increases due to the acceleration due to gravity. Consequently, its kinetic energy also increases. Therefore, the correct answer is that both speed and kinetic energy are at their greatest values.