List the following numbers from least to greatest:

7, |-10|, -4, 3, -8, 9

To arrange the numbers from least to greatest, we'll start with the smallest number and continue in ascending order:

|-10| = 10 (The absolute value of -10 is 10)
-10 is smaller than -8, so we have:
|-10|, -8

Next, we compare -8 with -4:
|-10|, -8, -4

The next number is 3:
|-10|, -8, -4, 3

Finally, the largest number is 9:
|-10|, -8, -4, 3, 9

Therefore, the numbers in ascending order are: |-10|, -8, -4, 3, 9.

-10, -8, -4, 3, 7, 9

To list the numbers from least to greatest, it is helpful to understand how to compare and order numbers. Follow these steps to arrange the numbers provided in ascending order (from least to greatest):

Step 1: Start by examining the numbers individually.
- |-10| is the absolute value of -10, which means it is the distance from zero without considering the sign. In this case, the absolute value of -10 is 10.

Step 2: Rewrite the numbers with their absolute values, keeping in mind their original sign.
- The numbers are now: |-10| = 10, -4, 3, -8, 7, 9

Step 3: Compare the numbers.
- Start with the smallest number. Comparing -10 (or 10) with -4, we can see that -10 (or 10) is less than -4.
- Comparing -4 with 3, we can see that -4 is less than 3.
- Comparing 3 with -8, we can see that -8 is less than 3.
- Comparing -8 with 7, we can see that -8 is less than 7.
- Finally, comparing 7 with 9, we can see that 7 is less than 9.

Step 4: Arrange the numbers from least to greatest.
- The numbers arranged in ascending order are: -10 (or 10), -8, -4, 3, 7, 9.