Which of the following correctly describes a power left to the states by the Tenth Amendment?(1 point)


the power to coin and print money
the power to coin and print money

the power to tax imports
the power to tax imports

the power to make treaties with other nations
the power to make treaties with other nations

the power to protect public health


None of the options listed above correctly describe a power left to the states by the Tenth Amendment. The Tenth Amendment states that any powers not delegated to the federal government are reserved for the states or the people.

The correct answer is "the power to protect public health."

The correct answer is "the power to protect public health." This power is left to the states by the Tenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. To find the correct answer, you can refer to the text of the Tenth Amendment itself or study the principles of federalism and the division of powers between the federal government and the states. It is important to understand the structure and powers of the US government as outlined in the Constitution to correctly answer questions related to such topics.