Choose the best method for evaluating this expression.

63 + (12 + 28) =

Select the correct answer.

The best method for evaluating this expression is to start by evaluating the parentheses first.

12 + 28 = 40

Then, add 63 and 40 together to get the final answer:

63 + 40 = 103

So, the correct answer is 103.

Question 3 options:

Which property is illustrated in this problem?

4 + 9 = 9 + 4

The property that is illustrated in this problem is the commutative property of addition.

To evaluate the expression 63 + (12 + 28), you should follow the order of operations which states that you should perform any operations inside parentheses first, then perform any addition or subtraction from left to right.

Step 1:
Evaluate the expression inside the parentheses: 12 + 28 = 40.

Step 2:
Now, you have 63 + 40.

Step 3:
Finally, add the two numbers together: 63 + 40 = 103.

The correct answer is 103.

To evaluate this expression, you can follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction). According to PEMDAS, you need to perform any calculations inside parentheses first.

In this case, you have parentheses around the expression (12 + 28). To evaluate that part, simply add the numbers inside the parentheses: 12 + 28 = 40.

Finally, add the result of the parentheses to the number 63: 63 + 40 = 103.

So, the correct answer is 103.