Which of the following elements of a centralized government did Chandragupta Maurya use in India?(1 point) Responses system of local governments that ruled independently system of local governments that ruled independently laws inspired by Buddhism laws inspired by Buddhism increased trade increased trade standardized taxes

The correct answer is standardized taxes.

Chandragupta Maurya, who was the founder of the Mauryan Empire, implemented several elements of a centralized government in India. These include:

1. System of local governments that ruled independently: Chandragupta Maurya divided his empire into several administrative units, which were governed by appointed officials known as "Mahamatras." They had the power to make decisions and maintain law and order in their respective regions.

2. Laws inspired by Buddhism: Chandragupta Maurya embraced Buddhism and incorporated Buddhist principles into his governance. He enacted policies inspired by Buddhist teachings, including restrictions on violence and equitable treatment of all citizens.

3. Standardized taxes: Chandragupta Maurya implemented a system of standardized taxes known as "Bhare" or "Purohit." This ensured a fair and consistent taxation system across the empire, generating revenue for the government and facilitating economic stability.

It's worth noting that increased trade was not specifically attributed to Chandragupta Maurya, but rather to his grandson, Emperor Ashoka, who further expanded the empire and promoted trade relationships.

Chandragupta Maurya, the founder of the Maurya Empire in India, implemented several elements of a centralized government to consolidate his rule. Out of the options provided, the elements used by Chandragupta Maurya include:

1. System of local governments that ruled independently: This option is incorrect. Chandragupta Maurya actually established a centralized government, which means that he consolidated power and authority at the central level rather than allowing local governments to rule independently.

2. Laws inspired by Buddhism: This option is also incorrect. While Chandragupta Maurya embraced Buddhism later in life, he did not base his laws solely on Buddhist principles.

3. Increased trade: While Chandragupta Maurya did focus on economic growth and flourishing trade during his reign, it is not specifically an element of a centralized government. It was more of an economic policy to stimulate the empire's economy.

4. Standardized taxes: This option is correct. One of the key elements of a centralized government that Chandragupta Maurya implemented was the standardization of taxes across the empire. This helped in maintaining uniformity, ensuring efficient tax collection, and consolidating revenue for the central government.

To summarize, out of the given options, Chandragupta Maurya used the element of standardized taxes as a part of his centralized government in India.