Max is designing a game in which the main character must collect and put on various parts of medieval armor. Since the player

must be able to see the armor worn by the main character, what perspective should Max use for this game?
(1 point)

third-person perspective

top-down perspective

first-person perspective

second-person perspective

third-person perspective

The perspective that Max should use for this game is the third-person perspective.

To determine the perspective that Max should use for the game, we need to understand the different options and consider their implications.

1. Third-person perspective: This perspective allows the player to view the main character and the surrounding environment from an external point of view. In a third-person perspective game, the camera typically follows the main character and can be freely rotated and adjusted. This perspective is commonly used in many action and adventure games where the player can see the character and their interactions with the game world.

2. Top-down perspective: In a top-down perspective game, the camera is positioned directly above the character, providing a bird's eye view of the game world. This perspective is commonly used in games like strategy or role-playing games, where the player needs to have a strategic overview of the game environment. However, it may not be suitable if the focus is on showcasing the armor visually.

3. First-person perspective: In a first-person perspective game, the player sees the game world through the eyes of the main character, as if they were seeing the world themselves. This perspective allows for a more immersive gaming experience, where the player can have a closer look at the armor on the character. It can be ideal for games that prioritize the player's perspective and exploration.

4. Second-person perspective: Unlike the other perspectives mentioned, the second-person perspective is not commonly used in video games. It involves addressing the player directly as the main character, as if the game is speaking to them. This perspective is more commonly found in literature or interactive fiction.

Based on the requirement of the player needing to see the armor worn by the main character, the most suitable perspective would be the third-person perspective. This would allow Max to showcase the armor visually and give the player a good view of the character and their interactions with the game world.