Which of the following file formats supports animations?

(1 point)





The correct answer is:


Out of the given options, the file format that supports animations is GLB (Graphics Language Binary).

To determine which of the file formats supports animations, we can break down the options and analyze each one:

1. PNG: PNG stands for Portable Network Graphics, and it is a file format primarily used for static images. While it can support transparency, it does not inherently support animations.

2. MP3: MP3 is a popular audio file format used for storing music or audio content. Unlike PNG, it is not designed for visuals or animations but rather audio playback.

3. GLB: GLB stands for GL Transmission Format Binary, and it is a file format widely used for 3D models and scenes. Unlike PNG and MP3, GLB is capable of supporting animations due to its ability to store multiple frames of a 3D animation sequence.

4. STL: STL, which stands for Standard Tessellation Language, is a file format commonly used for 3D printing. It represents the surface geometry of a 3D object but does not inherently support animations like GLB.

Considering the above explanations, the file format that supports animations from the given options is GLB.