who became landowners in exchange for service in the feudal systems



In the feudal system, individuals who became landowners in exchange for services were known as vassals. Vassals were granted land, known as fiefs, by a higher-ranking lord or monarch. In return, vassals were obligated to provide military service, financial contributions, and other forms of service to their lord. Knights, on the other hand, were warriors who served as the military elite in the feudal system and often held land as vassals. Serfs, although tied to the land and obligated to provide labor and other services, did not typically have the same rights or land ownership as vassals.

In the feudal systems, individuals who became landowners in exchange for service were called vassals. Vassals were typically nobles or knights who pledged their loyalty and military support to a higher-ranking lord, known as the lord or the monarch, in return for the grant of land called a fief. This system of granting land in exchange for military or other services formed the basis of feudalism.

To find the answer to your question, you can also conduct a quick internet search or refer to history textbooks or sources that cover the topic of feudalism. These resources will provide you with detailed information about the roles and responsibilities of various individuals within the feudal system.