For this portfolio you will write an argumentative essay that weighs claims on both sides of an issue. Develop a claim/position that clearly supports one side of an issue you believe is important. Be sure to include evidence from both perspectives as you cite research to build your argument. Follow MLA guidelines for your final essay.

Here is the topic -

Civil Rights: Did the Civil Rights movement pave the way for others to have equal rights today? (Argument: The Civil Rights movement made it possible for people to have equal rights today. OR The Civil Rights movement has not had long-lasting effects to society today.)

Please be sure to indent in each paragraph

The Civil Rights movement, which took place primarily in the 1950s and 1960s, was a pivotal moment in American history. During this time, African Americans and other marginalized groups fought for equal rights, leading to the dismantling of segregation laws and the recognition of their civil liberties. Despite the persistent challenges that remains today, it is undeniable that the Civil Rights movement paved the way for others to have equal rights in contemporary society.

One of the key achievements of the Civil Rights movement was the eradication of legal segregation through landmark court cases such as Brown v. Board of Education. Prior to this decision, African American children were forced to attend inferior schools, perpetuating racial inequality and denying them the educational opportunities their white counterparts enjoyed. As a result of the Civil Rights movement, laws prohibiting segregation were overturned, allowing African American students access to the same quality education as their white peers. This significant advancement in education propelled countless individuals into successful careers, creating a more inclusive society overall.

Additionally, the Civil Rights movement played a crucial role in securing voting rights for African Americans. Prior to the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, discriminatory practices, such as poll taxes and literacy tests, were used to disenfranchise African American voters. These practices effectively silenced the voices of marginalized communities, preventing them from participating in the democratic process. Thanks to the efforts of civil rights activists and their subsequent victories, African Americans and other marginalized groups gained the fundamental right to cast their ballots, paving the way for increased political representation and advocacy for their interests.

While some argue that the effects of the Civil Rights movement have not had a lasting impact on contemporary society, it is important to consider the progress that has been made. The movement sparked a transformation in American attitudes towards racial equality, challenging deep-seated prejudices and leading to long-term changes in societal norms. Interracial marriage, for example, was illegal in many states prior to the Civil Rights movement. Today, it is not only legal but widely accepted, illustrating the significant shift in societal acceptance of diversity and integration.

Furthermore, the Civil Rights movement served as a catalyst for subsequent social justice movements, inspiring individuals to fight for their rights and assert their identities. The LGBTQ+ rights movement, for instance, drew inspiration from the Civil Rights movement, utilizing similar tactics and strategies to advocate for equal treatment and protection under the law. The parallels between these two movements underline the enduring impact of the Civil Rights movement, as it continues to empower marginalized individuals to demand justice and equality.

In conclusion, the Civil Rights movement undeniably paved the way for others to have equal rights today. Through legal victories, such as desegregation and voting rights, as well as long-term societal changes, the movement laid the foundation for a more inclusive and just society. While challenges persist, it is important to recognize and appreciate the progress that has been made, and to continue the work of those who fought tirelessly for equality during the Civil Rights movement.

Title: The Civil Rights Movement: Paving the Way for Equal Rights Today

The Civil Rights movement that unfolded in the mid-20th century in the United States was undeniably a consequential period in history. Its impact resonates to this day, as it laid the foundation for the recognition and protection of equal rights for all individuals. This essay will argue that the Civil Rights movement played an instrumental role in advancing the cause of civil rights, thereby making it possible for people today to enjoy equal rights. Through an exploration of historic achievements, legal developments, and societal transformations, it becomes evident that the Civil Rights movement has had lasting effects on modern societies.

Body Paragraph 1: Historic Achievements
One noteworthy aspect of the Civil Rights movement was its ability to achieve significant milestones towards equality. The movement successfully ended the segregation of African Americans in public spaces, securing their right to freedom of movement and access to essential services such as education, transportation, and public amenities. For instance, the landmark Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court case in 1954 declared racial segregation in public schools unconstitutional, paving the way for equal educational opportunities for all. These achievements not only addressed specific injustices but also set the precedent for broader social transformations and progress.

Body Paragraph 2: Legal Developments
Furthermore, the Civil Rights movement played a crucial role in the development of legislation that sought to ensure equal rights. The Civil Rights Act of 1964, a key piece of legislation resulting from the movement, outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. This act not only addressed the injustices faced by African Americans but also provided a framework for combating discrimination in other contexts. Moreover, subsequent legal developments, including the Voting Rights Act of 1965, further dismantled discriminatory practices and gave marginalized groups, particularly African Americans, the ability to exercise their political rights. These legal victories established a strong basis for pursuing equal rights in subsequent decades.

Body Paragraph 3: Societal Transformations
The impacts of the Civil Rights movement extended beyond legal and legislative spheres, permeating society and facilitating profound transformations. The movement created a shared consciousness and awareness about the importance of equality and social justice. It inspired grassroots movements and activism, encouraging marginalized communities to demand equal treatment and challenge systemic discrimination. This cultural shift has continued to influence societal norms, prompting ongoing efforts to fight against inequality wherever it persists. The vibrant civil rights movements of today, such as the fight for LGBTQ+ rights, women's rights, and immigrant rights, owe a debt to the momentum generated by the Civil Rights movement.

In summary, the Civil Rights movement undeniably made it possible for people to have equal rights today. Through historic achievements, legal developments, and societal transformations, the movement dismantled discriminatory practices and established a foundation for equal rights protection. It is essential to recognize the enduring influence and relevance of the Civil Rights movement to appreciate the strides made towards equality, while acknowledging that there is still work to be done in fully realizing the vision of a just and inclusive society. The legacy of the Civil Rights movement serves as a constant reminder that the fight for equal rights is an ongoing struggle and one that requires continual commitment and action.

To develop an argumentative essay on the topic of whether the Civil Rights movement paved the way for others to have equal rights today, I would first need to choose a claim or position to support. In this case, I will support the claim that the Civil Rights movement indeed made it possible for people to have equal rights today. To effectively build my argument, I will need to incorporate evidence from both perspectives and cite research following MLA guidelines.

Before diving into the writing process, it is important to research and gather evidence to support the claim. To ensure accurate and reliable information, it is best to consult scholarly articles, books, and primary sources related to the topic. Websites of reputable organizations, such as universities, government institutions, or non-profit groups focused on civil rights, can also serve as valuable resources. By conducting thorough research, I can gather a diverse range of perspectives and evidence.

When organizing the essay, following MLA guidelines for formatting and citation is crucial. This includes using Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spacing the text, and utilizing in-text citations and a Works Cited page to give proper credit to the sources used. The Works Cited page should list all the sources cited in the essay, alphabetically by the authors' last names. It is essential to format the citations accurately using the specific guidelines provided by the MLA Handbook or an online citation generator.

To begin the essay, I will introduce the topic and provide background information on the Civil Rights movement. This will include a brief overview of the historical context and key figures involved, such as Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, and the landmark events of the movement. This introduction will aim to engage the reader and provide a solid foundation for the argument to follow.

The body paragraphs will present evidence from both perspectives, with the main focus on supporting the claim. I would start by presenting evidence that highlights the positive and long-lasting effects of the Civil Rights movement. This could include examples of legislation enacted after the movement, such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Additionally, I would incorporate case studies or personal narratives that demonstrate how these laws have positively impacted individuals' lives and contributed to greater equality.

Next, I would address counterarguments that argue against the long-lasting effects of the Civil Rights movement. These counterarguments might suggest that systemic racism still exists in today's society or that certain groups continue to face significant barriers to equal rights. By acknowledging these counterarguments, I can present evidence that refutes them and strengthens the original claim. This might involve discussing ongoing efforts to address and combat systemic racism, as well as highlighting progress made in areas such as education, employment, and political representation.

To conclude the essay, I would summarize the main points presented in the previous paragraphs and reassert the claim, emphasizing how the Civil Rights movement indeed paved the way for others to have equal rights today. The conclusion should leave the reader with a strong sense of the argument's overall coherence and persuasiveness.

In adhering to the given instructions for this portfolio assignment, it is essential to review and revise the essay for clarity, coherence, and proper MLA formatting. Proofreading for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors is also crucial to ensure the final essay is polished and communicates the argument effectively.

By following these steps and guidelines, I can develop a well-structured argumentative essay that supports the claim that the Civil Rights movement made it possible for people to have equal rights today.