255 in to the second power what is the perimeter. the window is a square.

To find the perimeter of a square, we need to know the length of one side of the square. However, since we are given the area of the window, we can find the length of one side of the square by taking the square root of the area.

For the given area of 255 square units, √255 ≈ 15.97.

Since a square has all sides equal, the length of one side of the square window is approximately 15.97 units.

Now, to find the perimeter of the square window, we multiply the length of one side by 4 (since there are 4 equal sides in a square).

Perimeter = 15.97 units × 4 = 63.88 units (approximately)

Therefore, the perimeter of the square window is approximately 63.88 units.

To find the perimeter of a square, we need to know the length of one side of the square. However, the given information "255 in to the second power" seems to be related to the area of the square rather than its side length. Therefore, we cannot directly determine the perimeter of the square with the given information.

If you have any additional details or if you meant to provide a different value, please let me know, and I will be happy to help you further.

To find the perimeter of a square, you will need to know the length of one side of the square. However, in your question, you provided a number "255" and mentioned "into the second power," which suggests you may have made a typo or misunderstood the question.

If you actually meant to ask "What is 255 to the power of 2?", then we can help you with that. To calculate 255 raised to the power of 2, you simply multiply 255 by itself:

255^2 = 255 * 255 = 65,025

Now, if you meant to ask something else related to a square window with an area of 65,025, please clarify your question, specifying whether you are referring to the area or the side length of the square window, so we can provide the appropriate answer.