What languages do most of the students at Miami High School speak?

(1 point)

Spanish and English
Spanish and English

English and French
English and French

Spanglish and Portuguese
Spanglish and Portuguese

English and Mandarin

Spanish and English

Most students at Miami High School speak Spanish and English.

To find the answer to this question, we can analyze the options given and determine which languages are most likely to be spoken by the students at Miami High School.

In the responses provided, four options are given:

1. Spanish and English
2. English and French
3. Spanglish and Portuguese
4. English and Mandarin

Based on the geographical location of Miami and its proximity to Latin America and the Caribbean, it is reasonable to assume that a significant portion of the students at Miami High School would speak Spanish. Additionally, English is the primary language in the United States, so it is safe to assume that most students at Miami High School would also speak English.

Therefore, the correct answer is: Spanish and English.