What does “Tú tienes el horario” mean in English?

(1 point)

You have the dictionary.
You have the dictionary.

I have the schedule.
I have the schedule.

You have the schedule.
You have the schedule.

I have the science books.

You have the schedule.

The correct response to the question "What does "Tú tienes el horario" mean in English?" is: "You have the schedule."

To determine the meaning of the phrase "Tú tienes el horario" in English, you can use the following steps:

1. Identify the language: The phrase "Tú tienes el horario" is in Spanish.

2. Look up the translation: Translate the phrase "Tú tienes el horario" from Spanish to English. The translation is "You have the schedule."

Therefore, the correct answer is: You have the schedule.