Jade throws a horseshoe toward a stake from the same starting point three different times. She tries to throw the horseshoe with the same amount of force each time. Jade measures the distance each horseshoe lands from the stake. Which distances did Jade likely measure?(1 point) Responses 100 in., 200 in., 300 in. 100 in., 200 in., 300 in. 5 in., 25 in., 50 in. 5 in., 25 in., 50 in. 11 in., 12 in., 13 in. 11 in., 12 in., 13 in. 2 in., 100 in., 120 in.

Jade likely measured the distances 100 in., 200 in., and 300 in.

Mario drops a penny into a funnel-shaped wishing well. The penny rolls around the outer edge in a circular pattern. It moves closer to the bottom of the funnel each time it completely rolls around the edge. Mario drops another penny into the same wishing well. Which type of motion should Mario predict the penny will have?(1 point) Responses straight line straight line front to back front to back circling circling zigzagging

Mario should predict that the penny will have a circling motion.

Based on the given information, Jade likely measured the distances of 100 in., 200 in., and 300 in.

To determine the distances Jade likely measured, we can look at the options provided and analyze each one.

Option 1: 100 in., 200 in., 300 in.
Option 2: 5 in., 25 in., 50 in.
Option 3: 11 in., 12 in., 13 in.
Option 4: 2 in., 100 in., 120 in.

Since Jade is throwing the horseshoe with the same amount of force each time, it is reasonable to expect a consistent result. This means that the distances measured should be similar for each throw.

Looking at the options, Option 4 stands out as being unlikely. The distances in Option 4 are 2 in., 100 in., 120 in., which show a significant variation between the measurements. This goes against the assumption that Jade is throwing the horseshoe with the same force each time.

Options 2 and 3 also show some variation but to a lesser extent. However, it is more reasonable to expect the distances to be closer together.

Option 1, with distances of 100 in., 200 in., 300 in., seems the most likely. The distances increase by a consistent amount each time, indicating a similar amount of force applied to each throw.

Therefore, the most likely distances Jade measured are 100 in., 200 in., 300 in.