What is the part to whole ratio for the 6th Grade average of 79-70 Give your answer using a colon

The part to whole ratio for the 6th Grade average of 79-70 is 1:10.

To find the part-to-whole ratio for the 6th Grade average of 79-70, we need to determine the difference between the two numbers and express it using a colon.

The difference between 79 and 70 is 9. Therefore, the part-to-whole ratio is:


To find the part to whole ratio for the 6th Grade average of 79-70, we need to determine the ratio between the average score and the total range of scores.

First, we calculate the range of scores by subtracting the lowest score (70) from the highest score (79):
79 - 70 = 9

The average score is given as 79-70, which is also 9.

To express the part to whole ratio using a colon, we write the average score and the total range of scores separated by a colon:

Therefore, the part to whole ratio for the 6th Grade average of 79-70 is 9:9.