Which European nation list gold? God and Glorias it’s reasons for exploration, France, Spain, Italy or Great Britain

The European nation that most famously sought gold during the age of exploration was Spain. Spain's desire for gold was one of the primary motivations behind their exploration of the New World. They believed there were vast reserves of gold in the Americas and sought to acquire it to fund their empire-building efforts. Their quest for gold led to the conquest and exploitation of indigenous civilizations, such as the Aztecs and the Incas, and the establishment of colonies in what is now Central and South America.

The European nation that listed gold, God, and Glorias as reasons for exploration is Spain. Spain played a significant role in the Age of Exploration, particularly during the 15th and 16th centuries. Spanish explorers ventured across the Atlantic Ocean seeking new trade routes and treasures. They discovered vast amounts of gold in regions such as present-day Mexico, Central America, and the Andes Mountains of South America. The pursuit of gold and the spread of Christianity were key motivations for Spain's explorations during this period.

To determine which European nation listed gold as its reasons for exploration among France, Spain, Italy, or Great Britain, we need to consider the historical context. During the Age of Exploration (15th-17th centuries), several European nations sought to expand their influence by exploring new lands and engaging in trade. Here is how you can find the answer:

1. France: France had a significant role in the Age of Exploration, with explorers like Jacques Cartier and Samuel de Champlain. However, their primary motivations for exploration were trade routes and the establishment of colonies for resources such as furs, not specifically gold.

2. Spain: Spain was one of the major European powers during this period and had a strong focus on finding gold and other precious metals. The Spanish conquistadors, such as Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro, led expeditions to the Americas specifically to acquire gold and silver from the Aztec and Inca civilizations.

3. Italy: Italy, during the Age of Exploration, was not a unified nation but rather a collection of several independent city-states. While Italian explorers like Christopher Columbus played a crucial role in European exploration, Italy as a whole did not have a specific focus on gold in their exploration endeavors.

4. Great Britain: Great Britain, including England and Scotland, became prominent in the later stages of the Age of Exploration. Although they did pursue gold and other precious metals, their motivations for exploration were more centered around establishing colonies, acquiring wealth through trade, and expanding their empire.

Based on this information, Spain is the European nation that primarily focused on acquiring gold during the Age of Exploration.